Performance Tracking

Take Your Business To New Heights With KPI Tracking From PMP

Don’t Settle For Less

Optimize Your Business Goals and Objectives

Measuring KPI’s by discipline and shed light on performance! PMP services individual employees through executives. Companies can implement hard and soft KPI’s from driving performance and culture!

  • Hard and soft KPI’s
  • Potential and Hypo performance tracking
  • Pinpoint performance coaching
  • Positive culture impact
  • Decrease in turnover through measurable outcomes
  • Build a succession plan


Charge Forward

Business Roadmaps Built Exactly To Your Needs

The Performance Management Platform’s technology will allow companies true customized KPI tracking. Tracking hard and soft KPI’s driving 360-degree perforrmance at all levels!

  • Drive KPI by vertical by level
  • Gather corporate culture overview 
  • Spot potential & high potential professionals
  • Build a corporate succession plan
  • Driving 360 degree performance
  • Co-inside your performance management with your corporate training programs
  • Use PMP’s performance coaching a all levels 

Example KPI dashboards

Technology that drives performance

The access and view our technology provides

PMP technology is built to drive performance at all levels. By doing this, we are impacting employees in all aspects of their careers. Providing all levels of professionals access to data that will impact performance equaling revenue! 

Individule KPI Dashboards

Individual employee dashboards that managee hard and soft KPI’s so employees can meet and exceed goals 

30 Day Look Back

30 day look back dashboards that provides all employees access to their information to prepare for their reviews! 

Manager Dashboards

Provide managers by vertical and discipline data that can drive individual and team performanc

Executive Dashboards

Executives can see the performance of each manager that fall under them by vertical. They will have access to drill into each managers performance.

Culture Dashboard

PMP has the ability to provide feedback on culture. Driving information to drive corporate culture while driving performance 

Request a live demo 

Come take a tour of the our KPI platform and discuss the options that best suite your companies needs. 

The Performance Management Platform can increase your employee performance with the five pillars of performance courses, employee and manager coaching. 

We build custom plans to to meet your corporate needs.  


"Protect the biggest asset you have, your career!"

Peter Kulturides

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